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Cryptome Archive 1996-Present


nsa-ssl-email.htm     NSA Controls SSL Email Hosting Services Update   December 29, 2007
nctc122807.htm        NCTC Spies Want Privacy They Violate             December 29, 2007

ncix122807.htm        NCIX Spies Want Privacy They Violate             December 29, 2007
dnioig122807.htm      DNI OIG Spies Want Privacy They Violate          December 29, 2007
fda122807.htm         Pharma Hazards Strategic National Stockpile      December 29, 2007
epa122807.htm         Hazardous Animal Shit Industry Free to Pollute   December 29, 2007
mcc122807.htm         US Bribery Agency Names Target Countries         December 29, 2007

isab122707.htm        Yet Another Warlovers Secret Meet                December 28, 2007
dol122707.htm         Child Labor Products Ban                         December 28, 2007
dod122607.htm         Feds Set EPEAT Assessment for E-Products         December 27, 2007  
dni-hq-nctc.htm       New DNI Headquarters and NCTC Birdseye           December 23, 2007
cia-flagship.htm      Inside the CIA's Hangar: Its Flagship Update     December 23, 2007

nsa-ip-update15.htm   Regarding Corroboration of NSA IP Info 2         December 23, 2007
nsa-ip-update14.htm   Regarding Corroboration of NSA IP Info           December 23, 2007
fbi-jailing.htm       FBI Plan for Mass Jailing of Dissidents          December 23, 2007
nscid-9r.htm          NSCID 9 Communications Intelligence              December 22, 2007
nscid-17.htm          NSCID 17 Electronic Intelligence                 December 22, 2007

nscids-50-55.pdf      NSC Intelligence Directives 1950-55              December 22, 2007
fema-hsc.htm          FEMA Hardened Security Centers                   December 22, 2007
controlled-docs.htm   GPO Controlled Security Documents                December 22, 2007
nrc122007.htm         Nuclear Geologic Repository Operations Security  December 21, 2007
nara122007.htm        Design Standards for Presidential Libraries      December 21, 2007

sigint-dust.htm       SIGINT Dust                                      December 21, 2007
dodd-block.htm        Dodd Blocks Telco Immunity for Illegal Spying    December 18, 2007
nsa-ip-update13.htm   Latest Updated NSA-Affiliated IP Resources 13    December 16, 2007
uk-dupery.htm         Ross Anderson on UK Crypto Export Duplicity      December 16, 2007
5a-pgp.htm            Judge: Defendant Can't Be Forced to Divulge PGP  December 16, 2007

jy-pk.htm             New PGP 9.6.3 Public Key for John Young          December 15, 2007
bis121207.htm         BIS Revises EAR for TMP and BAG                  December 13, 2007
gov-cn.htm            Server Comms Reporting for Research on    December 12, 2007
wtc-01-07.htm         WTC in 2001 and 2007 Comparative Photos          December 7, 2007
1984update.htm        Prevention of Thoughtcrime Bills HR1955 S1959    December 7, 2007

dos120707.htm         Foreign Gov Gifts to Federal Employees in 2006   December 7, 2007         CIA: US Covert Action Against Cuba 1960-61       December 5, 2007 (90 pp, Zipped, 4mb)        CIA: US Intelligence and Vietnam                 December 5, 2007 (141pp, Zipped, 6MB)
gov-pk.htm            Server Comms Reporting for Research on    December 2, 2007
nro-rrg.htm           NRO Review and Redaction Guide                   December 1, 2007

O f f s i t e 
Honey                 Safe-Mail a Honey Trap?                          December 31, 2007

JZM                   Justice for Zacarias Moussaoui                   December 30, 2007
A-Rig                 UK Trident Nuclear Missile Assembly Site         December 30, 2007
Rig AG                The NSA-Crypto AG Sting                          December 29, 2007
Rig                   NIST Describes Insecure Voting Machines          December 29, 2007
GFP                   German Foreign Policy Dot Com                    December 29, 2007

IC-1950-55            The Intelligence Community 1950-1955             December 22, 2007
E-8                   Ford-Nixon Foreign Relations: IN; PK             December 22, 2007
XXX                   Ford-Nixon Foreign Relations: GR; CY; TR         December 22, 2007
FEMA 426              FEMA Manual on Mitigation of Terrorist Attacks   December 22, 2007 (13.4MB)
X Telco               Dodd Speaks in Opposition to FISA Reform Bill    December 19, 2007

Insec                 HMG Misses Point on Poynter                      December 18, 2007
Scroogle              Fears Mount Over Internet Privacy                December 16, 2007
NSA vs USA            Telcos Even More Immunity for NSA-vs-USA Spying  December 16, 2007
ZIA                   Docs on PK President Zia's Plane Crash           December 16, 2007
Knol                  Google: "Truthful" Wiki to Boost False Ads       December 16, 2007

ALES                  CIA: Once Again the Alger Hiss Case              December 14, 2007
CIA Air               CIA Sometimes Torture Plane Crashes with Cocaine December 13, 2007
EMI Spy               TEMPEST Protection Patent                        December 13, 2007
MS Spy                Microsoft Spy-Resistant Keyboard Patent          December 13, 2007
CIA Cry               CIA Cry on Detainee Torture Tapes                December 13, 2007

DNI Cry               DNI Cry for Spying Help                          December 13, 2007
OSINT                 CRS on Open Source Spying                        December 13, 2007
ODN                   Perret and Nechvatal: Our Digital Noology        December 12, 2007
B-2 Base              UK B-2 Bomber Base Architectural Drawings        December 12, 2007
1984                  Protest Thoughtcrimes Bills HR 1955 and S1959    December 7, 2007

FISA Move             Abujihaad Files Motion for FISA Wiretap Order    December 7, 2007
CIA Awry              CIA Bungles Declassification of Its Histories    December 7, 2007
Cards                 Terrorist Recognition Cards                      December 6, 2007
CIA Eye               Eyeball of UK CIA Rendition Flights?             December 6, 2007
Pump 4                Spies Pump IR Nukes in Dec 2007                  December 5, 2007

Pump 3                Spies Pump IR WMD in Dec 2004                    December 5, 2007
Pump 2                Spies Pump IR WMD in Jun 2003                    December 5, 2007
Pump 1                Spies Pump PK Nukes                              December 5, 2007
Opines                DOJ Legal Counsel Opinions 1998-2007             December 5, 2007
ARRSE                 ARmy Rumour SErvice Boosts Michael John Smith    December 5, 2007

XFoS                  Arundhati Roy on IN's Gag of Taslima Nasreen     December 5, 2007
Typhoon               Typhoon Eurofighter Weapons Arming Facility      December 5, 2007
ophrack               Ophrack Password Cracker                         December 3, 2007
QC                    Image matching with a 28-qubit quantum computer  December 1, 2007 (PPT, 2.1MB)

NOVEMBER 2007 ferc112707.htm Jordan Cove LNG Port Secret Meet November 29, 2007 ispab112707.htm Information Security and Privacy Panel Meet November 29, 2007 gov-ir.htm Server Comms Reporting for Research on November 28, 2007 explorer-sinks.htm Explorer Ship Sinking Rescue Eyeball November 25, 2007 cia-cover.htm CIA Operational File Exemptions November 25, 2007 cia-iraq-niger.htm CIA 1980 Report on Iraq-Niger Uranium Purchase November 24, 2007 juragua-eyeball.htm Cuban Juragua Nuclear Power Plant Eyeball November 24, 2007 cia-no-cover.htm CIA Does Not Care About Spy Cover November 23, 2007 turkey-birdseye.htm Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant Birdseye November 23, 2007 wmd-jaw.htm Public Comments on US Nuclear Weapons Policies November 23, 2007 nuke-fuze.htm Arming and Fuzing Nuclear Weapons-Repost November 23, 2007 met-kill-doc.htm Met Lawyers: Met Killing Conviction Safe November 22, 2007 FOUO German Police Search Procedures November 22, 2007 (German, PDF, 91 pp, 5MB) dhs112007.htm Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Stds Appendix November 21, 2007 dot112007.htm DoT Boosts Airline Passenger Bump Payments November 21, 2007 rptac112007.htm Export Rules and Procedures Panel Meet November 21, 2007 dsb112007.htm Defense Science Board on Nukes and IEDs November 21, 2007 dpb112007.htm Defense Policy Board Warlover Secret Meet November 21, 2007 nist111907.htm NIST Eyes Voting Machines November 20, 2007 bpm111907.htm State Lubes War November 20, 2007 dos111907.htm State Snarls Passports November 20, 2007 border-wall.htm No Border Wall Eyeball November 18, 2007 henrys-nuts.htm Kissinger: Terror by Great Nations Necessary November 18, 2007 dhs111607.htm DHS Secret Meet on Homeland IEDs November 18, 2007 faa111607.htm Merc DynCorp Chopper Gets Mil-Grade Controls November 18, 2007 bcbp111607.htm Great Wall of US-Mexico Ever Longer-Costly November 18, 2007 bug-attack.htm Microprocessor Bugs Can Be Security Disasters November 18, 2007 bis111507.htm RFI DoD WMD Chemicals November 16, 2007 nsa-ip-update12.htm Latest Updated NSA-Affiliated IP Resources 12 November 16, 2007 derek-pasquill.htm More British Official Secrets Insanity November 15, 2007 ferc111407.htm Critical Energy Infrastructure Information November 15, 2007 doe111307.htm Oak Ridge National Weapons Lab Bans Itself November 14, 2007 dhs111307.htm DHS Har: Developing Best CCTV Privacy Practices November 14, 2007 nsa-latiff.htm NSA Latiff Biz Update November 14, 2007 peach-npp.htm Peach Bottom Atomic Power Plant Birdseye November 11, 2007 sequoyah-npp.htm Sequoyah Nuclear Power Plant Birdseye November 11, 2007 pilgrim-npp.htm Pilgrim Nuclear Power Plant Birdseye November 11, 2007 west-point.htm United States Mint at West Point Birdseye November 10, 2007 treas110807.htm Treasury National Security Information Policy November 9, 2007 klein-decl.htm Mark Klein Declaration on NSA-ATT Spying-Repost November 9, 2007 hushmail-rat.htm Hushmail Rats Users to Feds November 8, 2007 Mostly US, Some USSR CN NO Spy Ships 1985-2007 November 7, 2007 (74 Images, 34MB, at Cryptome.COM-until maxed out) bis110507.htm Export Commerce Control Amended for Wassenaar November 7, 2007 ccb-linza.htm Soviet Spy Ship LINZA November 3, 2007 de-jasmund.htm East German Spy Ship JASMUND November 3, 2007 nist110207.htm RFP: New Cryptographic Hash Algorithms SHA-3 November 3, 2007 ntia110207.htm Management of Net Domain Names and Addresses November 3, 2007 fcc110207.htm FCC Review of the Emergency Alert System November 3, 2007 marad110207.htm Calypso Liquified Natural Gas Deepwater Port November 3, 2007 nsa-ip-update11.htm Latest Updated NSA-Affiliated IP Resources 11 November 1, 2007 O f f s i t e
$ecrets               Domestic Spying Inc: Spies Fleece US             November 29, 2007

NBC                   No Borders Camp                                  November 25, 2007
TTS                   Techno Tranny Slut                               November 25, 2007
UK2017                UK 2017: under surveillance                      November 25, 2007
IDF Spy               Iraeli Officer Spied for IR, RU, Hamas           November 23, 2007
PAL Not               British nukes were protected by bike locks       November 23, 2007

PAL                   Nuclear Weapons Permissive Action Links          November 23, 2007
PAL Bypass            Nuke Locks Bypassed by MAD Men                   November 23, 2007
PAL Pak               US Aided Pakistan Protect Nuclear Weapons        November 23, 2007
MAD Bombs             Swords of Armageddon: US Nuclear Weapons         Novmeber 23, 2007
MAD SIOP              New Evidence on the Origins of Overkill          November 22, 2007

GnuGP                 New GnuGP Shell                                  November 21, 2007
B-Spy                 Boeing Spies on Employees                        November 20, 2007
NSA Patent            Fabricating High Quality Decoupling Capacitors   November 20, 2007
NSA Hole              The Strange Story of Dual_EC_DRBG                November 18, 2007
Putsch                Welcome to Raytheon's Fortress Britain           November 18, 2007

PKC Bug               Adding Math to List of Security Threats          November 17, 2007
STFU                  Silencing Sources                                November 15, 2007
Tor Spy               Using Tor to Spy                                 November 15, 2007
Skynet                UK Military Satellite Skynet 5B                  November 15, 2007
Kill Inc              Assassination Jokes, Anthrax, Russian Mobsters   November 14, 2007

Spy Bye               US Spies: Privacy and Anonymity Goodbye          November 12, 2007
Spy Web               US Spies: Anti-Privacy Spider Web                November 12, 2007
Spy Waste             US Spies: $11 Billion Wasted                     November 12, 2007
Caja                  Capability Javascript                            November 9, 2007
GAO-08-253T           Terrorist Watch List Screening                   November 9, 2007

Gitmo                 Guantanamo Standard Operating Procedures (4.4MB) November 8, 2007
MI5 NI                MI5 Squat in Northern Ireland Well Along         November 8, 2007
NSA Patent            Range Limited Antenna                            November 7, 2007
FBI Covert            Ruse: Undercover with FBI Counterintelligence    November 6, 2007
Spy Pimp              Blackwater's Owner Has Spies for Whores          November 4, 2007
OCTOBER 2007 cu-isla.htm Cuban Spy Ship Isla De La Juventud October 30, 2007 ccb-175.htm Soviet Spy Ship CCB-175 October 30, 2007 ccb-501.htm Soviet Spy Ship CCB-501 October 30, 2007 ccb-502.htm Soviet Spy Ship CCB-502 October 30, 2007 ccb-590-591.htm Soviet Spy Ships CCB-590 and CCB-591 October 28, 2007 ccb-514.htm Soviet Spy Ship SELIGER CCB-514 October 28, 2007 mi-complex.htm Gallery of Military-Intel-Industry Complex October 27, 2007 io-guide.htm Reporting Questionable Intelligence Activities October 27, 2007 dhs102607.htm DHS Orders Hi-Tech Attack on AZ Critters October 27, 2007 nara102407.htm Nixon Files to Finger Kissinger, Cheney, et al October 26, 2007 ferc102407.htm PetroLogistics Natural Gas Storage October 26, 2007 bis102407.htm National Stockpile Sell-off October 26, 2007 treas102307.pdf US EU Letters on SWIFT Financial Spying October 24, 2007 (13pp, 1.7MB) eo13448.htm Prez Orders Block of Burma Assets October 24, 2007 istac102307.htm InfoSec Panel Meet October 24, 2007 ferc102207.htm Black Bayou Gas Storage Project October 24, 2007 nsa-ip-update10.htm Latest Updated NSA-Affiliated IP Resources 10 October 21, 2007 af-squirm.htm Air Force Squirms About Wayward Nukes October 20, 2007 doj101707.htm DoJ Public Symposium: Voice, Video and Broadband October 19, 2007 dea101707.htm Candy Distributor Denied Drug License October 19, 2007 nhtsa101507.htm Vehicle Theft Rate 2005 October 19, 2007 CIA: Moscow Drop Op October 17, 2007 (9pp, 307KB) CIA: MI6 Squabble October 17, 2007 (2pp, 85KB) CIA: Handwriting Spies October 17, 2007 (23pp, 792KB) Qwest-Nacchio v. NSA 11 Unsealed Docs October 14, 2007 (443pp, 8.3MB) fema100907.htm FEMA Offers Disaster Exploitation Guidance October 10, 2007 elcomsoft-13k.htm Elcomsoft Offers Cops $13000 Password Cracker October 8, 2007 CIA: Teaching New Spies October 7, 2007 (9pp, 272KB) CIA: Soviet Spy Training October 7, 2007 (8pp, 229KB) CIA: Soviet Military Spy Training October 7, 2007 (15pp, 475KB) CIA: Assessment of Insurgency October 7, 2007 (7pp, 214KB) CIA: Communist Interrogations October 7, 2007 (7pp, 227kb) CIA: Brainwashing October 7, 2007 (91pp, 2.8MB) nsa-ip-update9.htm Latest Updated NSA-Affiliated IP Resources 9 October 6, 2007 Prez Tweaks Mil Manual for Child Sex Crime October 3, 2007 (61pp, 5MB) blackwater.htm Blackwater Eyeball October 2, 2007 USG Spending on InfoTech 2002-2004 October 1, 2007 (XLS, 571KB) O f f s i t e NSA Patent Cooling Device for a Microcircuit October 30, 2007 UKIR Iranians Study Nukes in Helpful UK October 28, 2007 See You Spy Yourself October 27, 2007 Spy Job Spy Target Coordinator October 27, 2007 Oink Information on Oink CD Murder Invited October 27, 2007 Dr CIA CIA Head-shrinks Charlie Rose October 26, 2007 CWH Chemical Warfare Against Humans October 26, 2007 Gulf War Climate Warfare Against US Gulf October 26, 2007 Sy War Alleged Syria Atomic Reactor Before and After October 26, 2007 DDNI No. 2 US Spymaster Jaws Anonymity and Privacy October 25, 2007 FBI Lies How FBI Coerces Confession October 24, 2007 Spy Hide Why Secret Spying Is Worse than Porn October 24, 2007 Mil Dict Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms October 21, 2007 CinCPAC History of US Pacific Command (Japanese) October 19, 2007 IQ Oil Maps and Charts of Iraqi Oil Fields October 19, 2007 Amero Sovereign Nation of Texas Issues Amero Dollar October 19, 2007 NSA Patent Impedance Matching RF Open Wire Transmission October 17, 2007 Airport Sec TSA Airport Security Design Guidelines October 16, 2007 (333pp, 7MB) NSA 144.51.1 NSA Computers Galore 1 October 14, 2007 NSA 144.51.240 NSA Computers Galore 2 October 14, 2007 P2P Tracking 2P2 Users October 14, 2007 Axed Qwest Hit for Refusal to Aid NSA October 14, 2007 DNI-U Intelink-U October 11, 2007 DBA Donna Blue Air October 10, 2007 BIS Spy Names Leaked October 10, 2007 Spy Profs Scholars On the Spying Take and Loving It October 8, 2007 Stasi 2 Stasi Still in Charge of Stasi Files October 7, 2007 CN Cyber Spies China's Cyber Espionage Ambitions October 7, 2007 Peoples Spies Peoples Information Warfare Concept October 7, 2007 Storm Worms Storm Worms Fast Flux Networks October 7, 2007 Mil Hacks Biggest Military Hacks of All Time October 7, 2007 City Hits The City in the Crosshairs October 6, 2007 GOSCC MOD Global Ops and Security Control Centre October 6, 2007 Hack Help Hack Burma Censorshiop October 5, 2007 Crypto Jail UK to Jail for Failure to Decrypt October 1, 2007 SEPTEMBER 2007 spy-psychosis.htm Delusions of Spies: The End of Secure Ciphers September 30, 2007 CIA: Covert Introduction of WMDs into the US September 29, 2007 (43pp, 1.5MB) burma-kill-01.htm Burma Kill and Maim 01 September 29, 2007 nsa-nse-02.htm NSA Releases TS Doc on Non-Secret Encryption September 29, 2007 CIA: Proposed Operations Against Cuba September 28, 2007 (143pp, 4.6MB) dsb092407.htm Defense Science Board Secret Meet on Nukes September 25, 2007 isab092107.htm War Lovers Secret Meet September 25, 2007 don092107.htm Undersea Warfare Training Range September 25, 2007 pn092007.htm Prez 9/20 CYA for 9/11 September 25, 2007 CIA: Principles of Deep Cover September 23, 2007 (31pp, 1.2MB) CIA: Pitfalls of Civilian Cover September 23, 2007 (19pp, 707KB) CIA: The Hotel in Spy Operations September 23, 2007 (16pp, 513KB) CIA: The Role of the Consultant Spy September 23, 2007 (7pp, 212KB) CIA: US Domestic Intelligence Collection September 22, 2007 (17pp, 569KB) CIA: Sabotage Materials September 22, 2007 (6pp, 213KB) CIA: Intelligence at Pearl Harbor September 20, 2007 (25pp, 746KB) faa091907.htm FAA Affirms Airline Safety Over TSA Security September 20, 2007 marad091807.htm Clearwater Port LNG Deepwater Port September 20, 2007 marad091407.htm OceanWay Secure Energy LNG Deepwater Port September 20, 2007 marad090707.htm OceanWay Secure Energy LNG Deepwater Port September 20, 2007 marad083107.htm Clearwater Port LNG Deepwater Port September 20, 2007 marad070607.htm Bienville Offshore Energy LNG Deepwater Port September 20, 2007 doe091407.htm Protection of Unclassified Nuclear Information September 17, 2007 cpt-091407.pdf COE Report on Torture Investigation September 17, 2007 (760KB) thai-crash.htm Thai One-Two-Go Air Crash Passenger List September 17, 2007 double-agent.htm CIA: Observations on the Double Agent September 15, 2007 pn091207.htm Prez 9/12 CYA for 9/11 September 14, 2007 nsa-ip-update8.htm Latest Updated NSA-Affiliated IP Resources 8 September 14, 2007 swift-eyeball.htm SWIFT Spy Facility Eyeball September 12, 2007 doe091107.htm DoE to Ship 4,000 Plutonium Containers September 12, 2007 osha091107.htm OSHA RFC on Hazards to Emergency Responders September 12, 2007 fra091107.htm RFC on Hazardous Railroad Bridges September 12, 2007 jcus091007.htm Judges Ponder Barring Whos A Rat Data September 11, 2007 dtra091007.htm Defense Threat Reduction Panel Secret Meet September 11, 2007 spy-job.htm Spy Job Agreement September 10, 2007 wiki-leak-af.htm Wikileak Leak: Secret Report on US Afghan Equip September 9, 2007 Target: CIA September 9, 2007 (29pp 1MB) Great Spies of Our Time September 9, 2007 (34pp 1MB) Proponents of the Doctrine of Total Espionage September 9, 2007 (23pp 1MB) CIA Counterintelligence Operations September 9, 2007 (6pp 150KB) Soviet Capabilities in Electronic Warfare September 9, 2007 (9pp 400KB) CIA Deception Research Program No. 9 September 8, 2007 (240pp 4MB) Soviet Capabilities for Deception September 8, 2007 (19pp 900KB) spy-cancer.htm Implanted Spy Chips Cause Cancer September 8, 2007 nctc-birdseye2.htm National Counterterrorism Center Birdseye 2 September 3, 2007 iaea083007.htm IAEA on NPT Safeguards in Iran 30 August 2007 September 3, 2007 doj-safa.htm DoJ Raids Against Safa Group Erasure September 3, 2007 cia-elec-bird.htm CIA Headquarters Electricity Supply Birdseye September 3, 2007 murdoch-eyeball.htm Rupert Murdoch New York Penthouse Eyeball September 1, 2007 comsec-deluse.htm Delusions of Communications Security September 1, 2007 O f f s i t e
Insider Perks         How Spies Seduce The Media                       September 29, 2007
Burma                 Hi-Rez Photos of Burma Attacks                   September 29, 2007
NSA Patent            Method of Biometric Authentication               September 25, 2007
US Crypto 1           CIA: America's First Encrypted Cable             September 23, 2007

HazNuke 1             Nuclear Criticality Safety Web Page Links        September 19, 2007
HazNuke 2             US Nuclear Criticality Safety                    September 19, 2007
RADLEG                USSR Nuclear Radiation Legacy                    September 19, 2007
MilMed                Army Medical Planning Synopses Documents         September 19, 2007
NetWar                CyberCIEGE                                       September 19, 2007

NPG                   DHS National Preparedness Guidelines             September 13, 2007
CIA Jobsec            CIA Pump Up for 9/12 Job Security                September 11, 2007
NARA DP               National Archive Digitizing Plan                 September 11, 2007
911 Tome              DoD History Of 9/11 Attack On The Pentagon       September 11, 2007
DEranged              DEranged Security                                September 11, 2007

911 Decept            Latest Bin Laden Video Is A Forgery              September 9, 2007
NSA Patent            Monitoring and formatting computer network data  September 5, 2007
Katrina Rita          Navy Katrina/Rita Hurricane Salvage Report (9MB) September 4, 2007
TWA                   Navy TWA Flight 800 Salvage Report (5MB)         September 4, 2007
Iraq Infamy           FDR/W Pearl Harbor Paranoia-Conspiracy-Intel     September 4, 2007

AUGUST 2007 nsa-ip-update7.htm Latest Updated NSA-Affiliated IP Resources 7 August 31, 2007 aphis082807.htm Agricultural Bioterrorism Agent and Toxin List August 29, 2007 isab082707.htm Yet Another War Lovers Secret Meet August 29, 2007 abc-hello.htm Hello from ABC News August 28, 2007 cia-doolittle.htm Doolittle Report on CIA Covert Activities August 26, 2007 cia-spy-tech.htm Origins of CIA Science and Technology Office August 26, 2007 spy-ballsup.htm Catastrophes of Spy Covert Action August 26, 2007 kill-schools.htm British Paramilitary Killing Schools August 26, 2007 so-training.htm British Special Operations Training Syllabus August 26, 2007 tsa082307.htm TSA Implements Overweight Flight Spy Plan August 24, 2007 dni-fisa.htm Director of National Intelligence on FISA August 23, 2007 uscg082207.htm Coast Guard Security for Air Chiefs Booze Puke August 23, 2007 fbi082207.htm FBI Terrorist Screening Records Hide August 23, 2007 dhs082207.htm DHS Arrival and Departure Records Hide August 23, 2007 noaa082107.htm NOAA OKs Navy Towed Array Spy System August 22, 2007 fac082107.htm US Drug Enemies List Updated August 22, 2007 pec081307.htm Prez Export Council Conference Call Update August 22, 2007 francie-molloy.htm Francie Molloy, Sinn Fein, Accused as Informer August 21, 2007 eo13443.htm Prez Expands Sport to Kill-Maim Americans August 21, 2007 nyse-eyeball.htm New York Stock Exchange Security Zone Eyeball August 18, 2007 dni081607.htm DNI Freedom of Information Regulation August 17, 2007 dhs081507.htm DHS Deal for Bosses to Rat on Workers August 17, 2007 doe081507.htm Ultra-Deepwater and Unconventional Natural Gas August 17, 2007 nsa-ip-update6.htm Latest Updated NSA-Affiliated IP Resources 6 August 16, 2007 dni-latinos.htm Top US Spy Targets Latinos and Supporters August 16, 2007 dhs081307.htm DHS Secret Meet on Sci-Tech Spying August 14, 2007 dhs081307-2.htm DHS Spying Impact Assessments August 14, 2007 hud081307.htm HUD Names Deadbeat Mortgage Peddlers August 14, 2007 uscg081307.htm Coast Guard Tampa Bay Security Zones August 14, 2007 phmsa081307.htm RFC IAEA Regs for Nuclear Materials Transport August 14, 2007 nwtrb081307.htm Yucca Mountain Nuclear Dump Hearing August 14, 2007 fru-moyles.htm FRU Killer Major David Moyles Update August 12, 2007 radar-smear.htm Radar Magazine Smears John Young Cryptome August 11, 2007 cia-dirty-bait.htm CIA Top Dirty Spy Dangles Bait August 11, 2007 nsa-ip-update5.htm Latest Updated NSA-Affiliated IP Resources 5 August 11, 2007 (OK) virgin-kill.htm Virgin Media Kills UK Secret Bases Website August 11, 2007 fincen080907.htm US Tightens Control of Foreign Money August 11, 2007 mcc080907.htm MCC Report on US Foreign Bribery August 11, 2007 phmsa080907.htm Hazards of Transportation of Lithium Batteries August 11, 2007 reynolds-v-saic.pdf Suit: WTC Investigation Is Deceptive August 9, 2007 doj080807.htm DoJ Hides National Security Records August 9, 2007 faa080607.htm HIRF Protection for Aircraft August 7, 2007 ferc080607.htm Reliability Standards for Energy Protection August 7, 2007 fmd-lab.htm UK Foot and Mouth Disease Laboratory August 5, 2007 hr3356-talk.htm House Debate on More Domestic Spying August 5, 2007 s1927.htm Senate Act on More Domestic Spying August 5, 2007 nsa-ip-update4.htm Latest Updated NSA-Affiliated IP Resources 4 August 5, 2007 iraq-dump2.pdf More Iraq Embassy Documents in the Trash August 4, 2007 fitz-birdseye.htm Fitzpatrick Nuclear Power Plant Birdseye August 4, 2007 bop080307.htm Civil Commitment of a Sexually Dangerous Person August 4, 2007 dos080307.htm New Livestock Crossing near San Luis, Arizona August 4, 2007 mcc080307.htm US Bribes Kingdom of Lesotho August 4, 2007 dems-suck-too.htm War-Loving Democrats Boost Spying August 3, 2007 rita080107.htm US Differential Global Positioning System August 3, 2007 dhs073107.htm National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility August 3, 2007 usace073107.htm Naval Restricted Fuel Depots and Magazine August 3, 2007 O f f s i t e

OBL Ruse              Dispelling the 'Bin Laden' Options Trades        August 31, 2007
NSA Patent            Method of Generating Multiple Random Numbers     August 31, 2007
SBU                   Classified Information Out of Control            August 30, 2007
Hot Stuff             How Radioactive Material Is Transported          August 29, 2007

Cop Riot              Cops Pretend to be Dangerous Rioters             August 24, 2007
GCHQ Who              Spies Spied Aromping                             August 24, 2007
Shrink Sec            NSA surveillance and the dream police            August 24, 2007
Mayhem Thrill         Terrorism Fear Interactive                       August 23, 2007
CIA Doze              CIA Report on 9-11 Failures                      August 22, 2007

US-CA Thugs           Declassified Report on Maher Arar Torment        August 21, 2007
DIA Inc               DIA Outsourcing $1B Spying Contracts             August 19, 2007
CIA Inc               Deception Detection Services                     August 19, 2007
AIDS                  Namibian AIDS Survival Handbook                  August 19, 2007
Wee WMD               AU Gov Fears Enfant Terribles                    August 17, 2007

SciSpy3               USG to Spy US with High Tech                     August 16, 2007
SciSpy2               USG Urged to Spy US with High Tech               August 16, 2007
SciSpy1               Top US Spy Technologist Named                    August 16, 2007
Bomb 5                Safe Mail Handling                               August 14, 2007
Bomb 4                Blast Resistant Design                           August 14, 2007

Bomb 3                Blast Safety                                     August 14, 2007
Bomb 2                Ammunition Magazine Design                       August 14, 2007
Bomb 1                Air Force Installation Protection Guide          August 14, 2007
ATT Spy               Lawsuits May Illuminate Methods of Spy Program   August 14, 2007
Wikispy               Wiki Scanner                                     August 14, 2007

Spud                  Wheels Fall Off Biodefence Lab                   August 13, 2007
Fuzz                  Google's photos of Sydney go all fuzzy           August 13, 2007
Cops                  NYPD Rant                                        August 12, 2007
PST                   Polecat Security Testing                         August 12, 2007
Nuts                  Annie Michon: How MI5 Crushed David Shayler      August 12, 2007

Nail                  FBI Raids ex-DoJ as Leaker of Spy Program        August 11, 2007
CIA Cry               CIA Decries Legacy of Ashes                      August 11, 2007
Facebook              How Facebook Spies on Users                      August 11, 2007
Sleepers              Structural Deficient Bridges in the US           August 11, 2007
Ghouls                War Refugees as Investment Opps                  August 7, 2007

MCTL-17               Militarily Critical Info-Sec Technologies List   August 4, 2007
DTIC                  Military Technology Documents Search             August 4, 2007
Saturn                Saturn V Documents Export Threatened             August 4, 2007
NORAD                 9/11 Live: The NORAD Tapes                       August 4, 2007
Sadists 1             Zooming in on the Torture Taxis                  August 3, 2007

Sadists 2 CIA Torture Plane Pilots August 3, 2007 CIPAV Defeating FBI Trojans August 3, 2007 Rob Inc Iraq Reconstruction Thievery for 3 Months 2007 August 2, 2007 Spy Inc Outsourcing Pulp Fiction Intelligence August 2, 2007 Cop Inc DHS Attacks Kinder Morgan Pollution Recorder August 2, 2007 JULY 2007 nctc-expands.htm National Counterterrorism Center Expands July 31, 2007 usace073007.htm SBX-1 Gets Security Zone at Kuluk Bay, Alaska July 31, 2007 hr-1.htm Implementing the 9/11 Commission Recommendations July 29, 2007 (2.7MB) usss-tape.pdf US Secret Service File on Nixon Taping System July 28, 2007 (59 pp., 2.4MB) rat.htm Renewing the Anarchist Tradition July 28, 2007 doc072707.htm Cross Border Data Flow and Protection Meet July 28, 2007 cia-plane-nc.htm CIA Torture Plane in North Carolina July 27, 2007 fac072407.txt Richly-Fertilized US Enemies List a Booming Biz July 25, 2007 (2.9MB) nih072407.htm Fecal and Urinary Incontinence in Adults Meet July 25, 2007 uscg072307.htm Coast Guard NatSec-Leaky Cutters Homeport July 24, 2007 world-intel.htm World Intelligence Interview July 23, 2007 mi5-palace.htm MI5 Northern Ireland Headquarters Birdseye July 23, 2008 prez-torture.htm Prez Orders CIA Torture Program July 22, 2007 eo13439.htm Prez Orders Import Safety Working Group July 22, 2007 gsa072007.htm Federal Emergency Travel Guide July 22, 2007 bis072007.htm Join Export Technical Advisory Committees July 22, 2007 nsa-ip-update3.htm Latest Updated NSA-Affiliated IP Resources 3 July 21, 2007 iraq-doc.htm Iraq Embassy Document July 21, 2007 cia071807.htm CIA Defines Reputable News as Bought and Paid July 19, 2007 usace071807.htm Navy Sets Danger Zone at Panama City FL July 19, 2007 PayPal Privacy Policy July 18, 2007 bis071707.htm Export Antiboycott Penalty Guidelines July 18, 2007 bis071707-2.htm Review of the Export Commerce Control List July 18, 2007 itar071707.htm Export of Radiation Hardened Microeletronics July 18, 2007 nist071307.htm RFC Draft FIPS 140-3 Crypto Modules July 16, 2007 doj071307.htm Vehicle Spying Consortium July 16, 2007 doj071207.htm Porn Actors Spying Database Requirements July 16, 2007 nsa-ip-update2.htm Latest Updated NSA-Affiliated IP Resources 2 July 16, 2007 ied-trigger.htm IED Trigger by IRA MI5 FBI (photos) July 14, 2007 mfs-erfurt.htm Stasi HQ Erfurt Birdseye July 14, 2007 mfs-cottbus.htm Stasi HQ Cottbus Birdseye July 14, 2007 mfs-potsdam.htm Stasi HQ Potsdam Birdseye July 14, 2007 dc-madam-num.htm DC Madam Telephone Numbers in Text Format July 14, 2007 nsa-ip-update.htm Latest Updated NSA-Affiliated IP Resources July 8, 2007 mfs-chemnitz.htm Stasi HQ Chemnitz Birdseye July 8, 2007 mfs-gera.htm Stasi HQ Gera Birdseye July 7, 2007 mfs-magde.htm Stasi HQ Magdeburg Birdseye July 7, 2007 mfs-rostock.htm Stasi HQ Rostock Birdseye July 7, 2007 mfs-leipzig.htm Stasi HQ Leipzig Birdseye July 7, 2007 mfs-branden.htm Stasi HQ Brandenburg Birdseye July 7, 2007 the-angler.htm Cheney The Angler Residence Birdseye July 4, 2007 iq-dead.htm Iraq Dead July 4, 2007 mil-dead-iqw.htm Calendar of 3,852 US Military Dead in IQ-AF Wars July 4, 2007 O f f s i t e Phew CIA Air Pollutants July 31, 2007 Stealth Google Earth Censors UK B-2 Base July 31, 2007 IKM Iraq Kill Maim Site Reopened July 29, 2007 Mil FOUO 5 CASCO High Value Initiatives July 29, 2007 Mil FOUO 4 Emergency Management/Dispatch Services July 29, 2007 Mil FOUO 3 DoD Spear Fishing Awareness July 29, 2007 Mil FOUO 2 Navy Transformation: Implementing Change July 29, 2007 Mil FOUO 1 Security Assistance Executive Conference July 29, 2007 Hack Fast California Report on Easy Hack of Vote Machines July 28, 2007 UK Aghast UK Intelligence Committee Report on Rendition July 28, 2007 UK Poo Poo UK Gov Response to Report on Rendition July 28, 2007 Wiki Intel Wikipedia and the Intelligence Services July 26, 2007 Cut-out Chip Berlet, SlimVirgin, and Wikipedia July 26, 2007 Killshot Sniper Africa - Designed to Disappear July 25, 2007 GAO-07-705 Cybercrime Threatens National Security July 24, 2007 NBN No Border Network July 23, 2007 CIA Kiss-Up CIA Legacy of Prez-Servitude Ineptness July 23, 2007 IHack IPhone Security Hacked July 23, 2007 Obey Me Prez Orders Attack on Iraq War Opponents July 23, 2007 Air Junk US Military Multi-Billions Junked July 22, 2007 WMD 2600 Tons of Mustard Gas Destruction July 22, 2007 Bug Zap Silver Bullet for the Icom R-20 Bug Hunter July 22, 2007 RU Containing Russia: Back to the Future? July 21, 2007 UK B2 UK Preps for B2 Bombers July 19, 2006 CIPAV FBI Keystroke and IP Rat July 19, 2007 PAM Presidential Advance Manual July 18, 2007 IED Trigger IED Trigger by IRA MI5 FBI (video) July 14, 2007 CIA Mail CIA Opened Foreign Mail Illegally July 14, 2007 PL Spies Report on Polish Military Spy Corruption July 14, 2007 Inept Spies CIA Missteps, From Past to Present July 13, 2007 CA Intel Security Intelligence Review Committee July 13, 2007 Ruse Works GAO: Nuclear Security Not So Good July 13, 2007 IQ Oil Iraq's Hydrocarbon Law July 13, 2007 Kevin The Previous War On Terror (video) July 13, 2007 Snafu Fusion Spying Centers Amok July 9, 2007 ICAN Intelligence Community Associations Network July 6, 2007 GAO-07-737 GAO: Personal Data Breaches Frequent July 6, 2007 NATO Hole MoD/NATO Northwood Command Bunker Birdseye July 6, 2007 Voda Tap The Vodafone Greece Phone Tap July 4, 2007 PNR Spy EU-US Passenger Name Records Sharing Pact July 4, 2007 UK Code UK Encryption Code of Practice July 4, 2007 No EMP Declassified Window Film Blocks Signal July 4, 2007 NSA Patent NSA Method of Viewing Magnetic Pattern on Media July 3, 2007 IED Lab UK Forensic Explosives Laboratory July 3, 2007 GWOT Gaga Fighting Terrorism: Another Fanatic Religion July 3, 2007 NSA Waiver New NSA Whistleblower Speaks July 2, 2007 MI5 Bunk Notes from the Borderland: O'Hara Shayler Debate July 1, 2007 Bio Bunk Ken Alibek Bioterrorism Dissected Like Frog July 1, 2007 Lie Bunk US Wants Lie Detectors at Airports and Borders July 1, 2007 U 2 Manufacturing Your Alternate Reality July 1, 2007